EMPLOYER | Hifadhi za Taifa Tanzania (TANAPA) |
APPLICATION TIMELINE: | 2024-03-23 2024-04-05 |
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES | i.Administrating prescribed medications and treatments to patients; ii.Preparing equipment and assist medical practitioner during treatment and examination of patient; iii.Clarifying procedures and treatments to patient to gain cooperation, understanding and alleviate apprehension; - Advertisement - iv.Reassuring patient; v.Observing, assessing patient condition and reactions to detect deviation from normal and notifying the supervisor; vi.Documenting nursing history and physical assessment for assigned patients; vii.Undertaking patient education plan according to the individualized needs of the patient, as prescribed by physician including patient and family instruction; viii.Implementing best practices in areas of work specialization; ix.Providing maternal and paternal health education on family planning and safe motherhood to the parks and neighboring communities; x.Conducting Reproductive Child Health (RCH) care and family planning services in the park community; xi.Providing primary health education on nutrition, sanitation and vaccination xii.Participating in ensuring a continues quality improvement of dispensary services; xiii.Providing first aid services to the staff and park community; xiv.Arranging and participating in first aid training to the staff; xv.Identifying supplies and equipment requirements for the dispensary; xvi.Conducting and providing inputs for wellness programs to the staff; xvii.Educating and sensitizing people about infectious and none infectious diseases and securing voluntary counseling and testing (VCT); xviii.Maintain cleanness and proper disposal of medical waste; xix.Preparing reports for the work performed; and xx.Performing other relevant duties as assigned by the Superiors
QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE | Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with a Certificate in Nursing. Must be a licensed and Enrolled Nurse (EN) by the Tanzania Nurses and Midwives Council (TNMC). Age limit: Not above 25 years. |
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