
    Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS): Admission 2024, Courses, Fees, Selections, Faculty, Prospectus and News

    Courses & Fees
    Joining Instructions

    AboutCatholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS)

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    The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences – Bugando (CUHAS-BUGANDO) is located at Bugando Hill, within the Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) premises in Mwanza. Our core business is training, research and consultancy services. We train health professionals in the fields of Medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nursing and Public Health through our Diploma, Bachelor, Masters and PhD programmes. Our students include local and international/foreign students from all walks of life. We work in close partnership with the Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) in the training of our students and in offering services that address the challenges within the Lake Zone, thus contributing to the Health Sector in a purposeful and meaningful way.


    CUHAS-Bugando, as a Constituent University College of SAUT, became operational in September 2003. It was granted a Certificate of Interim Authority (CIA) on the 28th March 2002 and a Certificate of Provisional Registration (CPR) on 27th March 2003. By 2005 the College was firmly established and accorded full registration status by the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU). The Commission at its 53rd meetingapproved a request from SAUT to transform the College to a full-fledged university and granted CUHAS-Bugando a Certificate of Full Registration. At its inception it was envisaged that it would be organized in faculties, institutes and directorates. In 2009/2010 it decided to go into a school mode and therefore established four schools: The Weill Bugando School of Medicine (which replaces the Faculty of Medicine), A School of Pharmacy, the Archbishop Anthony Mayala School of Nursing, and a School of Public Health. The new Schools had their first intake in the Academic Year 2010/2011.The Institute of Allied Health Sciences was established within the Bugando University of Health Sciences in 2006/2007.

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    The Vision of the University is to “become an outstanding Tanzanian Catholic University excelling in training, research, and health care; while remaining responsive to societal needs”


    • To provide skilled and competent human resources that is vested with moral and ethical values;
    • Search, discover and communicate the truth to advance the frontiers of knowledge and
    • Provide quality services to the community.
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    Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Courses Offered and Fees for 2024

    Academic Programmes Offered Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS)

    1Master of Sciences in Pediatric NursingMasters24
    2Master of Medicine in Orthopaedics and TraumaMasters36
    3Master of Public HealthMasters12
    4Master of Medicine in Internal MedicineMasters36
    5Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory SciencesBachelor36
    6Master of Medicine Pediatric and Child HealthMasters36
    7Master of Medicine in Obstetric and GyanecologyMasters36
    8Master of Medicine in SurgeryMasters36
    9Master of Science in Clinical Microbiology and Diagnostic Molecular BiologyMasters24
    10Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging and RadiotherapyBachelor48
    11Master of Medicine in Anatomical PathologyMasters36
    12Bachelor of Science in NursingBachelor48
    13Bachelor of Science in Nursing EducationBachelor48
    14Doctor of MedicineBachelor60
    15Master of Science in Epidemiology and BiostatisticsMasters24
    16Master of Medicine in Ear, Nose and ThroatMasters36
    17Master of Medicine in RadiologyMasters36
    18Doctor of PhilosophyDoctorate36
    19Bachelor of PharmacyBachelor48

    Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Application for 2024/2025

    Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Joining Instructions 2024/2025

    CUHAS – Bugando Selected Applicants for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

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    University info


    Prof. Paschalis Rugarabamu - DDS, MDent, MBA. Vice Chancellor - CUHAS

    Founded in



    University Type



    Email Adress

    Phone Number

    +255 28 298 3384

    Location Adress

    CUHAS, P.O. Box 1464 Mwanza, Tanzania


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