TAMISEMI has released the list of names of students selected to join Form One for 2025 in the Lindi region. You can simply access the form one selection list by via the TAMISEMI or NECTA website. The release of selected students names provides an opportunity for parents to know the schools to which their children have been placed.
Steps to check the list of students Selected to join Form One in Lindi Region
To check if your child is on the list of selected students, follow the steps below:
- Open the TAMISEMI website: https://www.tamisemi.go.tz/.
- Go to the announcements section: https://www.tamisemi.go.tz/announcements.
- Look for the link regarding “Uchaguzi Wa Wanafunzi Wa Kidato Cha Kwanza, 2025.”
- Select the Lindi region from the provided list.
- Choose the relevant council from the provided list.
- Select the school that the student attended from the provided list.
- The list of names of students who have been selected to join form one to various schools will be displayed.
- Search for the student’s name to see the school they have been placed
- Print or save these names for future reference.
The selections can also be accessed through Lindi region councils websites. The councils in region include Lindi Urban, Lindi Rural, Kilwa, Nachingwea, Ruangwa, and Liwale. TAMISEMI form one selection portal has specific links which allows the access to the selection list for each council. To view the form one selection list for each council, please click the link on the name of the council below.
Form One 2025 joining instructions forms for Lindi Secondary Schools
After confirming that your child has been selected, the next step is to download the joining instruction forms. These forms are available on the NECTA website, as well as on the regional or council websites. The steps below provide the guide on how to obtain the joining instructions:
- Visit the NECTA website: https://www.necta.go.tz/
- Then go to the announcements section and look for the link regarding ‘ Form One Joining Instruction Forms.’
- Select the school that the student has been placed.
- Download the form and print it.