
    Ardhi University (ARU): Admission 2024, Courses, Fees, Selections, Faculty, Prospectus and News

    Courses & Fees
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    AboutArdhi University (ARU)

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    Ardhi University Campus is located in Dar es Salaam, along University Road, adjacent to the University of Dar es Salaam, and approximately 12 km from the city centre. The Campus is within the proximity of several other academic institutions, including the Rwegarulila Water Resources Institute, The National Institute of Transport, The Institute of Social Welfare, and the National Tax Institute.

    Ardhi University is the only University in Tanzania and Africa which offers integrated training in the entire spectrum of land based disciplines namely Real Estate, Land Administration, Land Surveying Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture, Building Economics, Environmental Science and Housing under one roof complemented by Engineering, Finance, Accounting, Economics and Community Development Programmes.

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    Ardhi University has its humble beginning as a Survey Training School between 1956 – 1971 training Survey Technicians at Certificate Level. The Surveying Training School was renamed Ardhi Institute in 1972 and started offering 2 years Diploma Programmes in Land Surveying and Estate Management and Valuation.

    In 1975, the two year programmes were upgraded into three year Advanced Diploma Programmes in Land Management and Valuation, Land Surveying, Town and Urban Planning, Architecture and Quantity Surveying.

    In 1996, Ardhi Institute became a Constituent College of the University of Dar es Salaam in the name of University College of Lands and Architectural Studies and started offering four year Degree Programmes.

    In 2007, the University College of Lands and Architectural Studies became a fully pledged University and Ardhi University was born.

    The various academic programmes are taught in 12 Departments comprised in 4 Schools and one Institute Ardhi University has 3 main core activities namely; Teaching, Research and Consultancy. The awards offered at Ardhi University range from Post Graduate Diplomas, Bachelor’s Degrees, Masters Degrees up to PhD’s.

    Our vision is to be a leading centre of excellence in knowledge generation and dissemination responsive to the dynamics of the national, regional and global conditions WHILE mission is to provide innovative and integrated learning, research and public services that advance sustainable development at national level and beyond.

    Through theoretical and practical training, Ardhi University prepares its students to take up Middle, Senior and Professional level positions in the Local Governments, Central Government, Parastatal Organizations and in the Private Sector, including self employment.

    Ardhi University has a stringent quality assurance policy in place aimed at producing graduates who meet world class standards and who can compete in the International Labor Market.

    Major areas of education, research and consultancy in which Ardhi University leads the ‘pack’ include:

    Geomatics/Land Surveying: Cadastral surveying, (urban plots & rural estate surveys), topographical, engineering, mining, hydrographic and geodetic surveying and Land and geographic information systems.

    Land Management and Valuation: including land policy, land tenure, land titling, asset valuations, coding, Assets Registration,real estate investment, feasibility studies, property management and land laws.

    Architecture: Designing of buildings and landscape, buildings alterations, restorations and conservation of heritage sites.

    Quantity Surveying: Cost estimates, planning and control costs, building materials scheduling/use and construction management.

    Environmental Engineering: Encompassing designing and maintenance of public health infrastructure systems, environmental impact assessment, studies in pollution generation and control, management of resources and eco-systems.

    Information and Communication Technology: Software development and maintenance, training in Geo–Information System and remote sensing, data base management, computer aided design (CAD), basic computer applications and computer programming.

    Human Settlement Studies: Provides solutions to low-cost housing development, including the use of low cost materials, appropriate technology and design, and management of low cost housing schemes.

    Urban and Regional Planning: Site planning and design, settlements planning, strategic planning, structure planning, planning scheme layouts, regularisation and upgrading of settlements, management of CBOs and NGOs, rural resource management, infrastructure delivery and maintenance.

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    Ardhi University (ARU) Courses Offered and Fees for 2024

    Academic Programmes Offered at Ardhi University (ARU)

    1Doctor of Philosophy in Land AdministrationDoctorate48
    2Doctor of Philosophy in Real Estate EconomicsDoctorate48
    3Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Governance and Environmental StudiesDoctorate48
    4Doctor of Philosophy in Urban DesignDoctorate48
    5Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional PlanningDoctorate48
    6Doctor of Philosophy in ArchitectureDoctorate36
    7Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Economics and Management [By Thesis]Doctorate36
    8Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Management (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    9Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    10Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning and Management (Housing and Infrastructure) (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    11Doctor of Philosophy in EconomicsDoctorate36
    12Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Science (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    13Doctor of Philosophy in Real Estate (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    14Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    15Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Technology and ManagementDoctorate36
    16Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science and Management (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    17Doctor of Philosophy in Disaster ManagementDoctorate36
    18Doctor of Philosophy in Laboratory Science and Technology (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    19Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment Analysis (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    20Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change Studies (By Thesis)Doctorate36

    21Doctor of Philosophy in Housing and Settlements Studies (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    22Doctor of Philosophy in Policy Analysis and Programme Management (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    23Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies (By Thesis)Doctorate36
    24Master of Science in Public Policy Analysis and Programme ManagementMasters24
    25Master of Science in Housing and FinancingMasters24
    26Master of Science in Real Estates BusinessMasters24
    27Master of Science in Real Estates ValuationMasters24
    28Master of Science in Environmental Technology and ManagementMasters24
    29Master of ArchitectureMasters24
    30Master of Science in Urban Planning and Management (EVENING)Masters24
    31Master of Science in Urban Planning and Management (FULL-TIME)Masters24
    32Master of Project ManagementMasters24
    33Master of Science in Real Estates Economics and FinanceMasters24
    34Master of Science in Land AdministrationMasters24
    35Master of Science in Construction Economics and ManagementMasters24
    36Master of Disaster Risk ManagementMasters24
    37Master of Science in GeomaticsMasters24
    38Master of Transportation Sciences (Double Degree)Masters24
    39Master of Science in Urban Governance and Environmental StudiesMasters24
    40Master of Science in Information Systems ManagementMasters24

    41Master of Science in Geographical Information Systems and Remote SensingMasters24
    42Master of Science in Geographical Information SystemsMasters24
    43Master of Science in Urban and Regional Development Planning and ManagementMasters24
    44Master of Science in Land Management (By Thesis)Masters24
    45Master of Science in Geomatics (By Thesis)Masters24
    46Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Management (By Thesis)Masters24
    47Bachelor of Arts in EconomicsBachelor36
    48Bachelor of Arts in Community Development StudiesBachelor36
    49Bachelor of Science in Land Management and ValuationBachelor48
    50Bachelor of Science in Property and Facilities ManagementBachelor48
    51Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and ManagementBachelor48
    52Bachelor of Science in Environmental Laboratory Science and TechnologyBachelor48
    53Bachelor of Science in Environmental EngineeringBachelor48
    54Bachelor of Science in Municipal and Industrial Serivces EngineeringBachelor48
    55Bachelor of ArchitectureBachelor60
    56Bachelor of Science in Interior DesignBachelor48
    57Bachelor of Science in Information Systems ManagementBachelor36
    58Bachelor of Science in Accounting and FinanceBachelor36
    59Bachelor of Science in Real Estates Finance and InvestmentBachelor48
    60Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional PlanningBachelor48

    61Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure PlanningBachelor48
    62Bachelor of Science in Regional Development PlanningBachelor48
    63Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying and Construction EconomicsBachelor48
    64Bachelor of Science in Civil EngineeringBachelor48
    65Bachelor of Science in Landscape ArchitectureBachelor48
    66Bachelor of Science in Geographical Information Systems and Remote SensingBachelor36
    67Bachelor of Science in GeomaticsBachelor48
    68Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems and NetworksBachelor36
    69Bachelor of Banking and FinanceBachelor36

    Ardhi University (ARU) Application for 2024/2025

    Ardhi University (ARU) Joining Instructions 2024/2025

    ARU Selected Applicants for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

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    Phone Number

    (+255) - 738 357 310

    Location Adress

    Ardhi University , P. O. Box 35176, Observation Hill, Plot No. 3, Block L, University Road.


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