
    Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU): Admission 2024, Courses, Fees, Selections, Faculty, Prospectus and News

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    AboutHubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU)

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    Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) was established in 1997, being among the first private universities to be accredited in Tanzania in the year 2000, it has since then received local, regional and international recognition. 

    It was the idea of Prof Hubert C.M Kairuki and his wife Mrs Kokushubira Kairuki to establish the University, moved by the situation in Tanzania after independence in 1961, whereby diseases, poverty and ignorance were declared the country’s key enemies.

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    Initially HKMU University was established as Mikocheni International University of Health Sciences (MIUHS), with a focus towards addressing training needs for health professionals in Tanzania, and in sub-Saharan Africa.

    In 1998 the name was changed  to Mikocheni International University, anticipating the possibility of expanding beyond health sciences. Finally in February 1999 the University’s name was changed to Hubert Kairuki Memorial University, in the honour of the founder, Prof Hubert Kairuki, after he passed away.

    The University is expanding into other programs and disciplines of science and humanities. Recent established training programs include; Master of Social Work, Master of Science in Public Health, Research and Development in Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms. 

    HKMU is growing to a level where it is becoming the pride of private Universities in the East African region due to the quality and excellence of its programs. Currently the University has attracted students from over 15 different nationalities, external funding and technical support for collaborative research and development activities.

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    Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) Courses Offered and Fees for 2024

    Courses Offered at HKMU, Hubert Kairuki Memorial University

    1Master of Science in Public HealthMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    2Master of Medicine in Internal MedicineMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    3Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and GynaecologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    4Master of Medicine in PaediatricsMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    5Master of Medicine in SurgeryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    6Master of Social WorkMasters18UQF 9Full Time
    7Bachelor of Social WorkBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    8Doctor of MedicineBachelor60UQF 8Full Time
    9Bachelor of Science in NursingBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    10Odinary Diploma in Social WorkDiploma12NTA 6Full Time
    11Ordinary Diploma in Nursing and MidwiferyDiploma36NTA 6Full Time
    12Ordinary Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery upgradingDiploma12NTA 6Full Time
    13Ordinary Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery InserviceDiploma12NTA 6Full Time
    14Basic Certificate in Social WorkCertificate12NTA 4Full Time
    15Technician Certificate in Social WorkCertificate12NTA 5Full Time

    Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) Application for 2024/2025

    Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) Joining Instructions 2024/2025

    HKMU Selected Applicants for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

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    Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs – Vacancy

    University info


    Professor Yohana JS Mashalla, MD, PhD

    Founded in



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    Email Adress

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    Location Adress

    70 Chwaku Streat - Mikocheni, P.O. Box 65300, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania


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