
    Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo): Admission 2024, Courses, Fees, Selections, Faculty, Prospectus and News

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    AboutKilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo)

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    Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College is situated 4 kilometers north of Moshi Municipality on the slopes of the snowcapped Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

     In the early 1960s, the government of the then Tanganyika called upon the Christian Churches in the country to establish a referral and teaching hospital for the Northern Zone. Under the leadership of the Lutheran Church, Anglican and Moravian Churches in Tanganyika established the Good Samaritan Foundation (GSF) which planned and raised money from both local and overseas partners to build and equip the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) for service, teaching, and research.  The KCMC was opened in March 1971 after completion of the hospital buildings and was immediately taken over by the Tanzania Government. It was, however, handed back to the GSF in August 1992.  The changes in Government policy to liberalize the economy and provision of social services rekindled the desire for higher education within the circles of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT).  In 1993 the Executive Council of the ELCT decided to establish a Lutheran university, “Tumaini University,” comprising, among others, The Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College.

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    The Medical College became operational on 1st October 1997 under the name of “Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College KCM College” starting with the Faculty of Medicine and soon afterward expanded to incorporate more faculties, institutes and directorates as shown hereunder.

    The College adopted the new name of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMU College) in 2010 after a grant of Charter pursuant with the provisions of the Universities Act no 7 of 2005 and Universities (Chartering, Registration and Accreditation Procedures) Regulations of 2006, G.N No. 39 of 21st April 2006, the latter repealed and replaced by the Universities (General) Regulations, Government Notice No.226 published on 19th July 2013.

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    Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) Courses Offered and Fees for 2024

    Courses Offered at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo)

    1Doctorate in Bio-Medical SciencesDoctorate48
    2Doctorate in Clinical SciencesDoctorate48
    3Doctorate in Public HealthDoctorate48
    4Master of Public HealthMasters12
    5Master of Medicine in General SurgeryMasters48
    6Master of Medicine in Internal MedicineMasters48
    7Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and GynaecologyMasters48
    8Master of Medicine in OphthalmologyMasters48
    9Master of Medicine in Orthopedic Traumatology SurgeryMasters48
    10Master of Medicine in OtorhinolaryngologyMasters48
    11Master of Medicine in Pediatrics and Child HealthMasters48
    12Master of Medicine in UrologyMasters48
    13Master of Science in Epidemiology and Applied BiostatisticsMasters24
    14Master of Medicine in AnaesthesiologyMasters48
    15Master of Medicine in Dermato-VenereologyMasters48
    16Master of Medicine in Diagnostic Radiology and Medical ImagingMasters48
    17Master of Science in Clinical ResearchMasters24
    18Master of Science in Medical Microbiology Immunology with Molecular BiologyMasters24
    19Master of Science in UrologyMasters24
    20Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation of Health ProgrammesMasters24

    Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) Application for 2024/2025

    Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) Joining Instructions 2024/2025

    KCMUCo Selected Applicants for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

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    Email Adress

    Phone Number

    +255 27 275 3616

    Location Adress

    Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University CollegeBox 2240 Moshi Kilimanjaro Tanzania


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