
    Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS): Admission 2024, Courses, Fees, Selections, Faculty, Prospectus and News

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    AboutMuhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)

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    The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) started as the Dar es salaam medical school in 1963. The school then transformed into the faculty of medicine of the university of Dar es salaam that in 1991 was upgraded and became a college–the Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS).

    In 1996, the Faculty of Medicine that was upgraded to a constituent College of the University of Dar es Salaam, with the aim of nurturing it to a full-fledged university later on was merged with the Muhimbili hospital to create the Muhimbili Medical Centre (MMC). Over the years MUCHS made significant achievements in terms of increased student enrollment and development of several new academic programmes. The Parliament Act No 9 of 1991 that established MUCHS was repealed in 2005 through the universities Act no 7 of 2005.Subsequently, in 2007Article 1 of the Charter of Incorporation established MUHAS; in line with the Universities act no 7 of 2005.

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    The objectives of the University are the advancement of knowledge, diffusion and extension of technology and learning, the provision of higher education and research and, so far as is consistent with those objectives, the nurturing of the intellectual, aesthetic, social and moral growth of the students at the University. MUHAS has one campus Muhimbili Campus situated in Ilala Municipality, in upanga along United Nations Road.

    MUHAS has other facilities including the Bagamoyo Teaching Unit in Bagamoyo district. This facility was established for the purpose of training students during field studies. The unit has a total area of 46,085.7 square metres which has been developed by construction of residential houses, classroom, laboratory, hostel and canteen.

    MUHAS has a range of programmes in biomedical, clinical and allied health sciences. These programmes are taught in the five Schools and one academic Institute of the University. The office of Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics, Research and Consultancy coordinates teaching of all academic programmes.

    The Directorate of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Library Services provide cross-cutting support to all University units in information, communication and technology information management. 1963-1967 : Dar es Salaam Medical School 1968-1969 : Faculty of Medicine, Dar es Salaam University College of the University of East Africa 1970-1990 : Faculty of Medicine, University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) 1976-1990 : Faculty of Medicine incorporated in Muhimbili Medical Centre 1991-2006 : Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS), constituent College of UDSM 2007-Todate :Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)

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    Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Courses Offered and Fees for 2024

    Courses Offered at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)

    1Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences (By Thesis)Doctorate48UQF 10Full Time
    2Master of Science in Traditional Medicines DevelopmentMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    3Master of Dentistry in Community DentistryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    4Master of Dentistry in Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    5Master of Dentistry in Paediatric DentistryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    6Master of Dentistry in Restorative DentistryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    7Master of Medicine in AnaesthesiologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    8Masters of Medicine in Anatomical PathologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    9Master of Medicine in Clinical OncologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    10Masters of Medicine in Emergency MedicineMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    11Master of Medicine in Haematology and Blood TransfusionMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    12Master of Medicine in Internal MedicineMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    13Master of Medicine in Microbiology and ImmunologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    14Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and GynecologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    15Master of Medicine in OphthalmologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    16Master of Medicine in Orthopaedics/ TraumatologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    17Master of Medicine in OtorhinolaryngologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    18Masters of Medicine in Paediatrics and Child HealthMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    19Master of Medicine in PsychiatryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    20Masters of Medicine in RadiologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time

    21Master of Medicine in General SurgeryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    22Master of Medicine in UrologyMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    23Master of Science in AnatomyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    24Master of Science in BiochemistryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    25Master of Science in Clinical PsychologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    26Master of Science in Clinical PharmacologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    27Master of Sciences Microbiology and ImmunologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    28Master of Science in PhysiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    29Master of Science in CardiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    30Master of Science in Haematology and Blood TransfusionMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    31Master of Sciences in Gastroenterology and Hepatology SurgeryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    32Master of Science in NephrologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    33Master of Science in NeurologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    34Master of Science in NeurosurgeryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    35Master of Science in Paediatric Haemato-OncologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    36Master of Science in Respiratory MedicineMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    37Master of Science in Gastroentorology and Hepatology SurgeryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    38Master of Science in UrologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    39Master of Science in Critical Care and TraumaMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    40Master of Science in Nursing Mental HealthMasters24UQF 9Full Time

    41Master of Science in Midwifery and Women’s HealthMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    42Master of Pharmacy in Hospital and Clinical PharmacyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    43Master of Pharmacy in Industrial PharmacyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    44Master of Pharmaceutical MicrobiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    45Master of Pharmacy in PharmacognosyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    46Master of Pharmacy in Quality Control and Quality AssuranceMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    47Master of Science in Pharmaceutical ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    48Master of Arts in Health Policy and ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    49Master of BioethicsMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    50Master of Public Health (Distance Learning)Masters24UQF 9Full Time
    51Master of Public Health (Executive Track)Masters24UQF 9Full Time
    52Master of Public Health (RegularTrack)Masters12UQF 9Full Time
    53Master of Medicine in Community HealthMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    54Master of Sciences in Applied EpidemiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    55Master of Science in Behavior Change Communication for HealthMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    56Master of Science in Behavior ChangeMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    57Master of Science in Environmental and Occupational HealthMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    58Master of Sciences in Epidemiology and Laboratory ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    59Master of Science in Health Information ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    60Master of Science in Parasitology and Medical EntomologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time

    61Master of Science in Tropical Diseases ControlMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    62Master of Science in Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation in HealthMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    63Master of Science in Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    64Master of Science in HistotechnologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    65Master of Pharmacy in Medicinal ChemistryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    66Master of Science in Interventional RadiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    67Master of Science in NeuroradiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    68Master of Pharmacovigilance and PharmacoepidemiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    69Master of Dentistry in OrthodonticsMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    70Master of Science in Health Economics and PolicyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    71Master of Public Health in Implementation ScienceMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    72Master of Science in Cardiothoracic SurgeryMasters36UQF 9Full Time
    73Master of Science in Cardiovascular NursingMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    74Master of Science in Nephrology NursingMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    75Master of Science in Oncology NursingMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    76Master of Science in Paediatric SurgeryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    77Master of Science in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Critical CareMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    78Master of Science in Cardiovascular PerfusionMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    79Master of Science in Critical Care MedicineMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    80Master of Science in Clinical NeonatologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time

    81Master of Science in Health Sciences (By Thesis)Masters24UQF 9Full Time
    82Master of Science in Nutritional EpidemiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    83Master of Science in Women’s ImagingMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    84Master of Science in RhinologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    85Bachelor of Biomedical EngineeringBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    86Bachelor of Science in MidwiferyBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    87Bachelor of Science in Nurse AnaesthesiaBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    88Bachelor of Medical Laboratory SciencesBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    89Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic and Therapeutic RadiographyBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    90Bachelor of Science in NursingBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    91Bachelor of PharmacyBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    92Doctor of Dental SurgeryBachelor60UQF 8Full Time
    93Doctor of MedicineBachelor60UQF 8Full Time
    94Diploma in Diagnostic RadiographyDiploma36UQF 6Full Time
    95Bachelor of Science in PhysiotherapyBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    96Bachelor of Science in Audiology and Speech Language PathologyBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    97Diploma in Diagnostic RadiographyDiploma36UQF 6Part Time
    98Diploma in Environmental Health SciencesDiploma36UQF 6Part Time
    99Diploma in Medical Laboratory SciencesDiploma36NTA 6Part Time
    100Diploma in NursingDiploma36NTA 6Part Time

    101Diploma in Orthopaedic TechnologyDiploma36UQF 6Part Time
    102Diploma in Pharmaceutical SciencesDiploma36NTA 6Part Time

    Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Application for 2024/2025

    Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Joining Instructions 2024/2025

    MUHAS Selected Applicants for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

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    University info


    Ali Hassan Mwinyi

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    022 215 1596

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    United Nations Rd, Dar es Salaam


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