
    Mzumbe University (MU): Admission 2024, Courses, Fees, Selections, Faculty, Prospectus and News

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    AboutMzumbe University (MU)

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    Mzumbe University was established by the Mzumbe University Charter, 2007 under Section 25 of the Universities Act. No. 7 of 2005 which repealed Mzumbe University Act. No 9 of 2001. As a Training Institute, the University boasts of over 50 years experience of training in the administration of justice, business management, public administration, accountancy, finance, political science and good governance.

    Mzumbe University origin can be traced back to 1953 when the British Colonial Administration established a Local Government School in the country. The school was aimed at training local Chiefs, Native Authority Staff and Councilors. The level of training was elevated after Tanzania (Tanganyika) independence to include training of Central Government Officials, Rural Development Officers and local Court Magistrates. In 1972, the then Local Government School was merged with the Institute of Public Administration of the University of Dar es Salaam to form the Institute of Development Management (IDM-Mzumbe). IDM was a higher learning institution for training professional managers in the public and private sectors.

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    Given the natural growth of the Institute over the years of successful operation and the changing national and international human resource needs, the Government transformed it into fully fledge public University. This was made under the Act of Parliament No.21 of 2001. In December 2006, the Mzumbe University Act No 21 of 2001 was repealed by the Universities Act of Tanzania No. 7 of 2005 and replaced by the Mzumbe University charter, 2007 which now guide the operations and management of the University. The mandate of the University as stipulated in the Mzumbe University Charter, 2007 focuses on training, research, publications and public service cum consultancy.

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    Mzumbe University (MU) Courses Offered and Fees for 2024

    Courses Offered at Mzumbe University (MU)

    1Doctor of Philosophy in Public AdministrationDoctorate48UQF 10Full Time
    2Doctor of PhilosophyDoctorate48UQF 10Full Time
    3Master of Arts in Development Policy and PlanningMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    4Master of Arts in EducationMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    5Master of Business Administration in Corporate ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    6Master of Environmental ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    7Master of Health Systems ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    8Master of Laws in Commercial LawMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    9Master of Laws in Constitutional and Administrative LawMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    10Master of Laws in International LawMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    11Master of Leadership and ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    12Master of Public AdministrationMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    13Master of Public Administration in Ethics and GovernanceMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    14Master of Public Administration- Local Government ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    15Master of Research of Public PolicyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    16Master of Science in Applied Economics and BusinessMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    17Master of Science in Applied StatisticsMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    18Master of Science in Economic Policy and PlanningMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    19Master of Science in EconomicsMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    20Master of Science in Health Monitoring and evaluationMasters24UQF 9Full Time

    21Master of Science in Human Resource ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    22Master of Science in Information TechnologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    23Master of Science in Project Planning and ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    24Master of Science in Accounting and FinanceMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    25Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovations ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    26Master of Science in Marketing ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    27Master of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    28Bachelor of Accounting and Finance in Public SectorBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    29Bachelor of Accounting and Finance in Business SectorBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    30Bachelor of Arts with EducationBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    31Bachelor of Business Administration – Entrepreneurship and Innovations ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    32Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    33Bachelor of Environmental ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    34Bachelor of Health Systems in Monitoring and EvaluationBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    35Bachelor of Health Systems ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    36Bachelor of Human Resource ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    37Bachelor of LawsBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    38Bachelor of Library and Information ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    39Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    40Bachelor of Public AdministrationBachelor36UQF 8Full Time

    41Bachelor of Public Administration in Youth Development and LeadershipBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    42Bachelor of Public Administration- Local Government ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    43Bachelor of Public Administration- Records and Archives ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    44Bachelor of Science in Applied StatisticsBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    45Bachelor of Science in Economics (Economic Policy & Planning)Bachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    46Bachelor of Science in Economics (Economic Population and Development)Bachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    47Bachelor of Science in Economics (Economic Project Planning & Management)Bachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    48Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    49Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology with BusinessBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    50Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology with ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    51Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and SystemsBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    52Bachelor of Science in Production and Operations ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    53Bachelor of Science with Education (Mathematics and ICT)Bachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    54Diploma in Applied StatisticsDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    55Diploma in Information TechnologyDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    56Diploma in Local Government ManagementDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    57Diploma in Business AdministrationDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    58Diploma in Human Resource ManagementDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    59Diploma in LawDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    60Certificate in Applied StatisticsCertificate12UQF 6Full Time

    61Certificate of Information TechnologyCertificate12UQF 6Full Time
    62Certificate of Library and Information ManagementCertificate12UQF 6Full Time
    63Certificate in Business ManagementCertificate12UQF 6Full Time
    64Certificate in LawCertificate12UQF 6Full Time
    65Certificate in Human Resource ManagementCertificate12UQF 5Full Time
    66Certificate in Local Government ManagementCertificate12UQF 6Full Time

    Mzumbe University (MU) Application for 2024/2025

    Mzumbe University (MU) Joining Instructions 2024/2025

    Mzumbe University (MU) Selected Applicants for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

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    University info


    Ali Mohamed Shein

    Founded in



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    Email Adress

    Phone Number

    255 (0) 754694029

    Location Adress

    Mzumbe University, P.O Box 1 Mzumbe, Morogoro, Tanzania.


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