
    Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA): Admission 2024, Courses, Fees, Selections, Faculty, Prospectus and News

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    AboutSokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)

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    Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is a public University based in Morogoro Tanzania. The university is located on the slopes of the Uluguru mountains.

    SUA is best known for offering courses and programmes widely in a field of Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Forestry, Animal Science, Wildlife Management, Tourism Management, Environmental Science, Food Science, Natural Resources, Nutrition, Rural Development, since its establishment.

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    History of the University

    Sokoine University of Agriculture was established on the 1st July 1984 by parliamentary Act No.6 of the same year, which was repealed by the Universities Act No.7 of 2005 from which the SUA charter was granted in 2007.

    Sokoine University of Agriculture was first established on the 1st July, 1984 by Parliamentary Act No. 14 of 1984 through the amendment of Parliamentary Act No 6 of the same year. Following repealing of the Act, the university is now operating through the Sokoine University of Agriculture Charter, 2007 through the broad framework of the Universities Act, 2005.

    The history of Sokoine University of Agriculture dates back to 1965 when it started as an Agricultural College offering diploma training in the discipline of agriculture.

    After the dissolution of the University of East Africa and the consequent establishment of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in July 1970, the College was transformed into a Faculty of Agriculture of University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM) and thereby started offering Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.                                                  .

    In 1974, the Division of Forestry was established and hence the faculty was named Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.

    The introduction of Bachelor of Veterinary Science in 1976 and the establishment of the Division of Veterinary Science, the Faculty was re-named “Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences”.                                                    .

    The Faculty was on the 1st of July 1984 transformed, through Parliamentary Act No. 6 of 1984, into a full-fledged University and became known as Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).

    The university was named Sokoine University of Agriculture in honor of then Prime Minister of Tanzania Edward Moringe Sokoine who died on 1984.

    Major Developments & Timeline

    From 1965 up to the present day, The Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has experienced major developments and transformation  in various areas of its operation. 

    At its establishment in 1984, SUA was organized into Faculties, Directorates, Institutes, Centres and administrative Departments/Units. It started with three faculties namely the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 

    Later on the following faculties, Institutes and Directorates were established; Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies (1986), Institute of Continuing Education (1988), Development Studies Institute (1988), Sokoine National Agricultural Library (1991), Computer Centre (1993), Faculty of Science (1999), SUA Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (1999) and Pest Management Centre (2000). 

    For a period of 10 years since 2004, Moshi University College of Cooperatives and Business Studies were nurtured as a Constituent College of SUA until it was elevated into a fully-fledged Moshi Cooperative University (MoCU) in 2014.

    Time and Major Developments at Sokoine University of Agriculture.


    • The start of Morogoro Agricultural College.
    • Offering diploma training in the discipline of Agriculture.


    • The College was transformed into a Faculty of Agriculture of University of   Dar es Salaam (UDSM).
    • Started offering Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.      


    • The Division of Forestry was established.
    • The faculty was named “Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry”. Of University of Dar es Salaam.


    • The introduction of Bachelor of Veterinary Science.
    • The establishment of the Division of Veterinary Science, 
    • The Faculty was re-named “Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences” of the University of Dar es Salaam.


    • The Faculty was transformed, through Parliamentary Act No. 6 of 1984, into a full-fledged University.
    • University became known as Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
    • It started with three faculties namely the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.


    • Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies (DRPGS) was established.


    • Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) was established.
    • Development Studies Institute (DSI) was established.


    • Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL) was established.


    • Computer Centre was established.


    • Faculty of Science (FoS) was established,
    • SUA Centre for Sustainable Rural Development was established.


    • Pest Management Centre (SPMC) was established.


    • Moshi University College of Cooperatives and Business Studies (MUCOBS) was nurtured as a Constituent College of SUA .


    • SUA was granted its Charter


    • MUCOBS was elevated into a fully-fledged Moshi Cooperative University (MoCU).
    • The University embarked on a restructuring process of its organizational and management structures.


    • Faculty of agriculture was split to form College of Agriculture and School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies.
    • Development Studies Institute (DSI), SUA Centre for Sustainable Rural Development and Department of Social Sciences was merged to form College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH).
    • Computer Centre was transformed into the Centre for Information and Communication Technology (CICT)
    • Directorate of Undergraduate Studies was established
    • Directorate of Development and Planning was established


    • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was transformed into College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.


    • Faculty of Science was transformed into Solomon Mahlangu College of Sciences and Education.
    • Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies (DRPGS) was transformed into Directorate of Postgraduate Studies,Research,Technology Transfer and Consultancy.

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    University Leadership

    The Sokoine University of Agriculture leaders are mainly responsible for the strategic and management of the University…Find out more information in the following links

    University Governance and Organisation  

    Find out the information about the structure and governance of the Sokoine University of Agriculture as defined by the University’s charter. Find out more information in the following links

    Facts and Statistics

    Find information about various facts, figures and statistics of the sokoine University of Agriculture in the following links.

    Facilities and Services

    Sokoine University of Agriculture offers a wide range of facilities and services that supports academic pursuits. Find out more information in the following links

    Transformation and Initiatives

    Sokoine University of Agriculture has established various plan and initiatives which aspires to make SUA a leading University in the provision of quality knowledge and skills in agriculture and allied sciences. Find out more…

    Business and Investment

    The university invites partnership with public and private sectors to invest at SUA. To ensure effective utilization of SUA resources in around its four Campuses, an Investment guide has been published and investment policy formulated. Find out more

    Linkages and Collaborations

    Sokoine University of Agriculture has Linkages and collaboration with Universities and Organizations in National and International level through various signed Memorandum of Understanding’s (MoU)… Continue reading.

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    Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Courses Offered and Fees for 2024

    Courses Offered at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)

    1Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture Education and ExtensionDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    2Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture EngineeringDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    3Doctor of Philosophy in Agro-EcologyDoctorate48UQF 10Full Time
    4Doctor of Philosophy in Animal ScienceDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    5Doctor of Philosophy in Crop ScienceDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    6Doctor of Philosophy in Forest SciencesDoctorate48UQF 10Full Time
    7Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural and Rural InnovationsDoctorate48UQF 10Full Time
    8Doctor of Philosophy in Policy Planning and ManagementDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    9Doctor of Philosophy in Rural DevelopmentDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    10Doctor of Philosophy in Soil and Water ManagementDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    11Doctor of Philosophy in Soil and Water managementDoctorate48UQF 10Full Time
    12Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary MedicineDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    13Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural and Rural InnovationDoctorate36UQF 10Full Time
    14Doctor of Philosophy in AgribusinessDoctorate48UQF 10Full Time
    15Master in Information and Knowledge ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    16Master of Applied Crop ProtectionMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    17Master of Arts in Development Planning and Policy AnalysisMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    18Master of Arts in Drylands Policy and Climate Change AdaptationMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    19Master of Arts in Education ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    20Master of Arts in Project Management and EvaluationMasters24UQF 9Full Time

    21Master of Arts in Rural DevelopmentMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    22Master of Business Administration – AgribusinessMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    23Master of ChemistryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    24Master of Education in Curriculum and InstructionMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    25Master of Education in Management and AdministrationMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    26Master in Information and Knowledge ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    27Master of PhilosophyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    28Master of Preventive Veterinary MedicineMasters12UQF 9Full Time
    29Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied EconomicsMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    30Master of Science in Agricultural EconomicsMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    31Master of Science in Agricultural ExtensionMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    32Master of Science in Agricultural StatisticsMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    33Master of Science in AgroforestryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    34Master of Science in Animal Reproduction and BiotechnologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    35Master of Science in Applied MicrobiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    36Master of Science in Applied ToxicologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    37Master of Science in AquacultureMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    38Master of Science in BiochemistryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    39Master of Science in Crop ScienceMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    40Master of Science in Ecosystems Science and ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time

    41Master of Science in Engineering ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    42Master of Science in Environmental and Natural Resources EconomicsMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    43Master of Science in Environmental Sciences, Management and TechnologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    44Master of Science in EpidemiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    45Master of Science in Food Quality and Safety AssuranceMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    46Master of Science in Food ScienceMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    47Master of Science in Forest EngineeringMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    48Master of Science in Forest Resources Assessment and ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    49Master of Science in Health of Aquatic Animal ResourcesMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    50Master of Science in HorticultureMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    51Master of Science in Human NutritionMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    52Master of Science in Hydrogeology and Water Resource ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    53Master of Science in Irrigation Engineering and ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    54Master of Science in Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable AgricultureMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    55Master of Science in Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    56Master of Science in One Health Molecular BiologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    57Master of Science in ParasitologyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    58Master of Science in Post-Harvest Technology and ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    59Master of Science in Public Health and Food SafetyMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    60Master of Science in Public Health Pest ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time

    61Master of Science in Seed Technology and BusinessMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    62Master of Science in Soil Science and Land ManagementMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    63Master of Science in Tropical Animal ProductionMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    64Master of Science in Veterinary SurgeryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    65Master of Science in Wildlife Management and ConservationMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    66Master of Science with EducationMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    67Masters of Science in ForestryMasters24UQF 9Full Time
    68Postgraduate Diploma in Drylands Policy and Climate Change AdaptationPostgraduate Diploma24UQF 9Full Time
    69Postgraduate Diploma in EducationPostgraduate Diploma12UQF 9Full Time
    70Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring and EvaluationPostgraduate Diploma12UQF 9Full Time
    71Bachelor of Accounting and FinanceBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    72Bachelor of Arts in Development Planning and ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    73Bachelor of Information and Records ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    74Bachelor of Agricultural Investment and BankingBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    75Bachelor of Arts with Education (English Language and Literature)Bachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    76Bachelor of Community DevelopmentBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    77Bachelor of Crop Production and ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    78Bachelor of Food Science and TechnologyBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    79Bachelor of Human Resource Management & Labour RelationsBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    80Bachelor of Rural DevelopmentBachelor36UQF 8Full Time

    81Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and AgribusinessBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    82Bachelor of Science in Agricultural EngineeringBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    83Bachelor of Science in Agriculture GeneralBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    84Bachelor of Science in AgronomyBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    85Bachelor of Science in Animal ScienceBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    86Bachelor of Science in Applied Agricultural ExtensionBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    87Bachelor of Science in AquacultureBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    88Bachelor of Science in Bioprocess and Post-Harvest EngineeringBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    89Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology and Laboratory SciencesBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    90Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences and ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    91Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer StudiesBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    92Bachelor of Science in ForestryBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    93Bachelor of Science in HorticultureBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    94Bachelor of Science in Human NutritionBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    95Bachelor of Science in Information TechnologyBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    96Bachelor of Science in Irrigation and Water Resources EngineeringBachelor48UQF 8Full Time
    97Bachelor of Science in Range ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    98Bachelor of Science in Wildlife ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    99Bachelor of Science in Wood Technologies and Value AdditionBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    100Bachelor of Science with EducationBachelor36UQF 8Full Time

    101Bachelor of Tourism ManagementBachelor36UQF 8Full Time
    102Bachelor of Veterinary MedicineBachelor60UQF 8Full Time
    103Diploma in Information and Library ScienceDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    104Diploma in Information TechnologyDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    105Diploma in Laboratory TechnologyDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    106Diploma in Records, Archives and Information ManagementDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    107Diploma in Seed TechnologyDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    108Diploma in Tropical Animal Health and ProductionDiploma24UQF 6Full Time
    109Certificate in Information TechnologyCertificate12UQF 6Full Time

    Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Application for 2024/2025

    Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Joining Instructions 2024/2025

    SUA Selected Applicants for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

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    University info


    Hon. Joseph Sinde Warioba

    Founded in




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    Email Adress

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    Location Adress

    P.O. Box 3000, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro -Tanzania


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