AboutKampuni ya Magazeti ya Serikali(TSN)
Tanzania Standard Newspapers Limited (TSN) is a public corporation that was established on February 5, 1970 under the Public Corporation Act, 1961. TSN today is a private limited liability company owned by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania 99% shares) and the Managing Editor who is the chief executive officer and contact person (1% share).
The history of Tanzania Standard Newspapers Ltd goes back to January 1, 1930 when the Kenya based East Africa Consolidated Holdings formed the Tanganyika Standard Newspapers Ltd. However, later on the British business group London-Rhodesia (LONRHO) accured the majority share holding and liquidated Tanganyika Standard Newspapers Ltd in 1961. Instead it established two separate companies, Tanganyika Standard Newspapers Limited (TSN) and Printpack Tanganyika Limited (TPL). TSN published the Tanganyika Standard and Sunday News while Printpack printed them. In 2006, TSN bought its own printing machines.
The government of the United Republic of Tanzania on February 5, 1970 nationalized Tanganyika Standard Newspaper and established Tanzania Standard Newspapers Limited, a public corporation owned by the government.
TSN own and publish a daily broadsheet Daily News and its Sunday edition Sunday News, Habari Leo a daily Kiswahili tabloid established in 2006 and Spotileo a sport newspaper established in 2011. It also owns and publish five magazines. In every government ministry, departments, regulatory bodies and corporations Daily News and HABARILEO newspapers are must read copies.
TSN recently diversified its business to include online advertising, production of television documentaries, consultancy, partnership, business forum, commercial photography and training. Steps are in progress to start a news agency.