
    Shepherds Secondary School


    AboutShepherds Secondary School

    Shepherds Schools is a locally-founded Nursery, Primary and Secondary School located in Arusha, Tanzania.

    Shepherds schools follow the national curriculum of Tanzania, and, over the past years, have consistently performed well academically. While all courses are taught in English, Kiswahili, the country’s national language, is a required course at each grade level, and the school offers clubs that celebrate the vibrant culture and history of Tanzania. The school is highly regarded by the local community.

    The founder and School Manager, Mama Lucy Kamptoni established the school independently in 2003 with very few students and staff. All staff and faculty are from the local community. Parents, teachers and students are adamant in their commitment to ensuring the success of their school.

    Our staff

    The school has qualified and experienced staff including the teachers and non-teachers, good and able management team, strong and active School Committee/Board. The School Committee/Board meets regularly and has been instrumental in creating a school that is considered a vital contributor to the future of the local community.

    Above all, our priority is to ensure that all of our students are assured of their individual importance and are left feeling happy, healthy and appreciated in all areas of life.

    Economic Diversity & Inclusion,

    Shepherds Schools charges an affordable fees to most students, and uses that income to run the school and some of it plus that from well-wishers to subsidize the costs for orphans and other students who might not otherwise be able to afford a high-quality education. At Shepherds Schools all children work and play together, learn from one another, build lifelong friendships and have equal access to a great education.

    Progress to Date

    Since its founding in 2003, Shepherds School has grown from 10 to about 700 students, aged between 3 and 17, from pre-school through secondary school level. Currently the school has adequate classrooms, computer labs, school libraries, hostel/children’s home, and play grounds among other needs.

    Due to good progress, the school also offers clubs and other extracurricular activities that celebrate the vibrant culture of the school. It also has reliable source of water, electricity, transport and security.

    Seed capital for the school was originally raised by the school founder Mama Lucy by selling chickens in her village. In September 2007, Mama Lucy Kamptoni was named a fellow of US nonprofit Epic Change, an organization that has since invested to fund significant capital expansion to support Mama Lucy’s vision to provide a high-quality education to children.

    Future Plans

    • The school is planning to introduce an E-learning program to facilitate easy learning to its students.
    • The school is also planning to acquire more land as a way of expanding the school area for other infrastructures.


    Company benefits

    Teaching Job Vacancies at Shepherds Secondary School


    Full timeTeaching

    Company info


    The school manager(Mama Lucy Kampton) with Stacey&Sanjay from United State Of America.

    Founded in




    Company Type

    Email Adress


    Phone Number

    (+255) 754 316 052/747080000


    The Shepherds Schools Head office Location is at Kimandolu Area P.O.Box 1888 Arusha Tanzania


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