
    Shirika la Mawasiliano Tanzania

    Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL)


    AboutShirika la Mawasiliano Tanzania

    Tanzania Telecommunication Corporations formerly known as Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL) was established by An Act of the Parliament, ‘The Tanzania Telecommunications Company Incorporation Act of 1993’

    The Company came into operation following a split of the former parastatal organization known as Tanzania Posts and Telecommunications Company (TP&TC) and began operation on Jan 1, 1994. The split was due to the government’s move to liberalize communications sector in the country, and due to this separation four parastatal entities were formed namely; The Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC), Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL), Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB), and Tanzania Communication Commission (TCC) now known as Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA).

    Subsequent to continued economic liberalization policy of the Government of Tanzania, TTCL was privatized on 23rd February 2001, where by a Consortium MSI of the Netherlands and Detecon of Germany acquired 35% shares of the company from the Government of Tanzania. However, the Government of Tanzania has effective from 23rd June 2016 fully repossessed TTCL ownership by 100%.Therefore until 1st of February 2018, TTCL was 100% owned by the Government of Tanzania.

    The Tanzania Telecommunication Corporation (Act No 12 of 2017)was signed by The President of United Republic of Tanzania on 28th November 2017 and was gazetted by the Minister for Works, Transport &Communication to be effective on 1st February 2018.

    Tanzania Telecommunications Corporation is taking up the duties and responsibilities of the former Tanzania Telecommunication Company Ltd -TTCL which ceased to operate on 31st January 2018.

    The key functions of the Corporation are to; a) Enhance safety, security, economic and commercial viability of national telecommunications services and telecommunication infrastructure through; i. Promotion of effective management and operation of telecommunications services. ii. Development, maintenance, promotion and management of telecommunications services ; and iii. Maintenance of safety and security of telecommunications infrastructure specified or determined in accordance with section 20 of Tanzania Telecommunication Corporation Act b) Plan build, operate and maintain the strategic telecommunications infrastructure proclaimed by the Government; c) Operate telecommunications services in accordance with the laws and prescribed procedures governing telecommunications services; d) Operate and maintain all types of telecommunications networks, including ICT systems and services within and outside the United Republic of Tanzania.


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