AboutTanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) – Tume ya Nguvu za Atomu Tanzania
The Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) was established by Parliament Act No. 7 of 2003 (The Atomic Energy Act. No.7 of 2003). Formerly known as the National Radiation Commission established by Parliament Act 5 of 1983 (The Protection from Radiation Act. No.5 of 1983)
The following are the responsibilities of the Commission
a) Controlling the safe use of radiation in the country.
b) To promote the safe use of nuclear technology
c) to conduct research and provide advice and information on Nuclear Science and Technology
- To inspect all centers which uses radioactive sources in order to monitor the implementation of the Atomic Energy Act and its regulations?
- To issue permits for the importation, ownership, transportation and use of radioactive sources.
- To take sample and analyze radiation in all imported and exported foodstuff, fertilizers, animal foods and tobacco
- To test environmental samples to identify radioactive contaminants in the environment.
- To measure the level of radiation on telephone towers and communications radars.
- To collect, transport and store radioactive material.
- Provide radiation monitoring service to employees working in radioactive areas.
- Conducting an air pollution testing station from the Radionuclides Monitoring Station (RN64).
- To coordinate various nuclear technology projects in the country.
- To provide public education on the benefits and effects of nuclear technology
- To develop nuclear technology research for sustainable economic and social development.
- To provide maintenance and services to all nuclear technology equipments such as X-Ray, CT-scan, and MRI etc.