
    Tanzania Home Economics Association (TAHEA)


    AboutTanzania Home Economics Association (TAHEA)

    Tanzania Home Economics Organization (TAHEA) – MWANZA is a Professional National Non-Government Organization (NGO’s) founded in March, 1980. The Organization was registered in October, 14th 1980 under the Tanzania Society Ordinance with its registration number being SO.6179. And later TAHEA attained a certificate of NGO Compliance No. 1732 on 4th of December, 2006 under NGO Act of 2002. The Tanzania NGO Act of 2002, NGO regulations of 2019 Code of conduct required all NGOs to re-register and We have been re-registered on 22nd April 2022 as TANZANIA HOME ECONOMICS ORGANIZATION (TAHEA MWANZA) with registration number 00NGO/R/3129 which becomes our new organization reference.

    Tanzania Home Economics Organization (TAHEA) – MWANZA was found by people who went to study Home Economics related courses abroad, mostly in the USA and West Africa. They studied Food and Nutrition, Food Science, Home Science, Food technology, Consumer education and others. They learned from American Home Economics Organization on how they promoted Home Economics as a profession and a science.

    When the Tanzanians came back from studies, they found Tanzania Home Economics Organization in 1980, and their first work was to promote Home Economics in schools and colleges, they are the reason why Food and Nutrition, Home Management, clothing and textiles subjects started being taught in Secondary schools, Colleges like Dar es Salaam College of Education, Agriculture Institutes and a Faculty at Sokoine University came into life. Most of the activities of the association were previously funded by the government, and it was hosted by the Ministry of Education.

    The Organization recruited members as well who were located in different regions in Tanzania, as the membership grew to over 1,000 members, there was decentralization where regional branches were established in regions where there were adequate number of members and Mwanza branch started operating in 1987, seven years after TAHEA was registered. It was after the re-conceptualization of Home Economics in an international conference held in Hannover, Germany that Home Economics National and Regional branches, started implementing programs to address the local issues around them.


    Company benefits

    Research Coordinator at TAHEA


    Full timeCoordinatorEconomicsResearch

    Company info


    Asia Kapande

    Founded in



    50-500 employees

    Company Type

    Email Adress


    Phone Number

    +255 754 443 226 (24/7)


    Nchenga Street, Plot No. 436, Block B Nyegezi Area


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