AboutTanzania Posts Corporation (TPC) – SHIRIKA LA POSTA TANZANIA
Tanzania Posts Corporation is the company responsible for postal service in Tanzania and was established in 1994. It is headquartered in Kivukoni ward of Ilala MC in Dar es Salaam
Since communication were clearly essential for Governing the extensive Empires of the ancient world, it is not surprising that among of the earliest historical communication were refereed to postal systems were those in Power were using Postal ways to convey their information to their public. Historically, the nature of communication in the world began in the Postal system, where people communicated their message (words or written) through pedestrians and servants, who used donkeys, camels and horses to deliver the message. They exchanged information at designated stations on chosen routes. In some African societies including Tanzania, traditional music, drums and drama were also used to convey information to the the public. This system benefited the Kings and Traditional Rulers whose main mission was to simplify their administrative activities by ensuring that their instructions, orders and guidelines reached to the public.
The pace of postal progress Worldwide during the late 18th century was accelerated by remarkable economic growth and demands for the postal sector to be in one coordinated system at the National and International level. Due to those demands, Universal Postal Union (UPU) was established in 1874, with its headquarters in Switzerland, Capital City of Berne. UPU is the second oldest International Organization after Telecommunication Organization ‘International Telecommunication Union’(ITU) with its 192 member countries. UPU is the primary forum for cooperation between postal sector players by ensuring a universal network of up-to-date Mail, Logistic and E-commence services.